Keep them coming back every fall!

Bidco Homes
3 min readOct 29, 2020

Keep them coming back…..that’s what you want in a small town Airbnb. Come to think of it, that is what you want in an Urban one too. Well what about a beach house or VRBO….yes all of them…..Hospitality is about keeping them coming back! So what is it that keeps them coming back?? ….well that is the million dollar question isn’t it? Sometimes it is the thing they do not mention, other times they do! You never know what endears a property to a guest to invite them back again. Maybe it is your hosting hospitality. Maybe your color scheme, the softness of your sheets and towels or the view out your window. It’s unique for every guest, and unique for every host.

Back in June I wrote about the seasonal decorating my wife does. If you have not read it, I strongly encourage you to and will link to it here:

When I wrote about the seasonal decorating my wife does and how it effects our Airbnb property, I had many thoughts as well as emotions to share. Specifically, I was thinking about the look and feel of the property that gives our guests that comfy Cozy feeling, which is why we named the home CozyHome! My wife has always had the eye for decorating. The fact that she loves the Ohio seasons, as do I, gives her additional perspective on her excellent decorating styles to give them seasonal flair. Since I do not share any of that talent, I leave it all up to her. Oh sure I can sometimes be a little facetious saying, “Why did you spend another twenty bucks…..we already have a…fill in the decoration here!However, truth be told, even though I comment on every little knick-knack, our personal home is always cozy and seasonal as is our short term rental!

Flower Boxes just added in 2020!

You guessed it….this year she went with flower boxes. A little different from the year to year decorating add-ons. Courtney grew up in a house with flower boxes. Her mom keeps up with the boxes till this day. She has flowers for each season! I always tell her that the apples don’t fall far from the tree so I see a lot of seasonal changes going on in these flower boxes. And yes she did paint the boxes to perfectly match the trim.

The house never had flower boxes on it before but I must admit, they look like they have been on there for the sixty years since the house had been built and they probably should have been added earlier. I will say one thing with certainty, they look much better than the awnings the house had before! Yes, I thought you would agree!

Newsflash…..did not make this article but as I write it, gourds have been added to the boxes! You will have to check out a post next year where I will be sure to include the gourds plus whatever will get added for that season!

I always liked the look of flower boxes, but not enough to think of adding them on. Many times I may look at a house, think it looks cute and welcoming but not be able to put my finger on it. Maybe it was a flower box, maybe it was something else, but maybe I will never know. That is how it is with your short term guests. Do many little things and even if they cannot put their finger on it, hope that it is enough to keep them coming back!



Bidco Homes

The_Airbnb_guy_ Ohio. I enable landlords and investors to deliver a better guest experience as well as increase revenue from their rental properties.